Essential data: Personal information: Name, telephone, e-mail, address and / or Neighborhood and City where you live and Date of Birth (optional). Training: Course, name of institution and year of completion. Experience: Most current first and so on. Must contain the name of the company and branch of activity, position occupied, period worked and main activities developed. Complementary courses: languages, computer science and other relevant.
Coronavirus leads to the greatest remote working experience in the world!
Working at home is no longer an option! For many, it is the only solution! But remote work requires discipline and some rules: ?? Have an agenda and share it with everyone in the company. Currently, there are several applications on the market that have this function. ?? Create a work routine with start, lunch break and rest. Not having the boss by your side can be liberating, but watch out! You could end up hurting yourself if you dont follow the list of tasks for the day. ?? Divide time between tasks. Sometimes, staying for hours in the same activity can be distracting. When that happens, take a break. ?? Finally, organize your workspace and plan the next day at night. To start the job well, you need to get organized beforehand. The rule applies to both the workspace and the next days activities. ?? #somadesenvolvimento #rh #homeoffice #coronvirus # covid19
#quarentena #trabalhoremoto #brasilia #juntossomosfortes #todoscontrocorona Published on instagram on 03/18/2020 -
PERSONAL MARKETING - Follow our Instagram videos: Personal Marketing- Ep 1 When it comes to doing a job interview, do you know how to properly dress that company? Do you have doubts if you should wear social or ordinary clothes? Can makeup? In another series of weekly tips, our director Rose Mary Barbosa answers all these questions! Want to check it out? Play and enjoy! ? Personal Marketing - Ep. 2 In the workplace, do you know how to behave correctly? Do you know which subjects should be avoided? And during a party, what behaviors are seen as negative by the team? In another series of weekly tips, our director Rose Mary Barbosa answers all these questions! Want to check it out? Play and enjoy! ? Personal Marketing - Ep. 3 In the workplace, do you know how to speak about yourself correctly? In the last video in our series on personal marketing, our director Rose Mary Barbosa answers this question and more! Would you like Want to know more? Leave your doubts in the comments! #somadesenvolvimentohumano #somadesenvolvimento #rh #recursoshumanos # recruitmentand selection #recruitment #working #professionalproof #brasilia #assessment #consutoriaderh #consutoriaderhembrasilia #oportunidadedeemprego #vagasdemepregoembrasiliabrasilvvagasdeemprego #posturaprostage #post @ rose.marybarbosa